100-120目 4?分子篩色譜填料
100-120目 4?分子篩色譜填料的詳細介紹
4?分子篩色譜填料 詳細信息
4?分子篩色譜填料 詳細信息
Molecular sieves, 4? |
4?;4?分子篩 |
用作色譜試劑。選擇性吸附劑。催化劑或催化劑載體。用于甲烷、乙烷和丙烷的分離。練焦氣中乙烯的分離。 也用作干燥劑??諝猓烊粴?,烷烴,致冷劑等氣體和液體的深度干燥;氬氣的制取和凈化;電子元件和易受潮變質物質的靜態(tài)干燥;油漆,聚脂類,染料,涂料中作脫水劑 |
4?分子篩色譜填料圖片: 4A molecular sieve chromatography packing 4A Molecular Sieve Chromatography Packing Details Molecular sieves, 4A 4A; 4A molecular sieve Used as a chromatographic reagent. Selective adsorbents. Catalyst or catalyst carrier. For the separation of methane, ethane and propane. Separation of ethylene in coke gas. Also used as a desiccant. Deep drying of air, natural gas, alkane, refrigerant and other gases and liquids; preparation and purification of argon; static drying of electro 100-120 mesh, for gas and liquid chromatography columns 4A molecular sieve chromatography packing picture: |
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